node-red-memo-monitor 0.0.1

node-red-memo-monitor, change a request , then waiting for specific response to change, reset the request after 2 seconds

npm install node-red-memo-monitor

Will create a timer to cyclicaly check a global memory data stoared in node-red , until the data changed into a planned data

change and reset memory data

Will change a global memory data , then reset it (2 seconds). the global data is normaly connected with a device's modbus or s7 or opcua BUS.

used for process operation

the global memory data is connected with device's data, send the request operation to device , then waiting the response from the device.

Node Info

Version: 0.0.1
Updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
License: ISC
Rating: not yet rated




12 in the last week


  • node-red
  • memory
  • monitor
